A risk-based internal audit gives assurance to the Board and Management that the key risks facing the business are identified and well-managed. This can be achieved by setting up your own internal audit services function or by outsourcing to our external Internal Auditors in Kenya.

 In addition to the overall internal audit services, we also support you in the following areas:

  1. Information Technology/Systems risk assessments and audits:
  2. Fraud risk assessment
  3. Standard Policies and Procedures development
  4. Internal Controls reviews
  5. Governance Audits: We perform an objective review of the governance structure and ascertain whether there are adequate checks and balances to ensure effective corporate governance.
  6. Compliance Audits: We perform an in-depth comprehensive review of your organization’s adherence to the local regulatory environment
  7. Business Enterprise Risk Management/Risk Assessment:
  8. Awards/Competition Assurance Audits 
  9. Data protection reviews and audit.